Sunday, 15 January 2012


Poliomyelitis is most common among the children but young and old people also can be becomes its victims.
   It begins slowly.The suffering has very high fever,headache,nausea,fits and stiffness of severe cases,the virus attack nerve fibers of the spinal cord causing paralysis of the limbs and muscles of the respiratory tract,sometime proving fatal,apart from permanent disabilities.
Treatment and control:-
     There are two polio vaccines.
              1)-Sabin vaccine.
              2)-Salk vaccine.
Sabine vaccine is more common and given orally in the form of drops.Two or three drops are given to infants during there first year which provides life long protection against polio by developing active immunity against it.
Salk vaccine is injected in the body.
Causative Organism:-
         poliomyelitis is caused by virus, which is transmitted by infected is also transmitted by droplet infection during coughing and sneezing,of the patient.  

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