Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Inner Peace:Steps to Inner Peace

Steps to Inner Peace

Do you yearn for inner peace? Is your life out of control? Are your emotions all riled up? You are not alone. Many, many people are feeling the same way – they are all seeking some inner peace yet they do not know how to find it. Lots of people just search and search but come up with nothing except frustration which separates them even further from the inner peace they are seeking. Is that true of you too? Maybe people are looking in the wrong place. This article will help you focus where you will find the inner peace you are looking for.
First, inner peace can not be found outside of you. It can not be purchased in a store, it can not be provided by love or sex, it does not flow from accumulated wealth, it can only be found within you. It can be found but it will take some work. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate your inner peace.
Identify your values. Select the top ten and prioritize them. Figure out how much time you spend on each one. Are some of them lop-sided? Try to adjust your schedule so you are spending more time on your most important values.
List your goals for the next six months. Check them against your values to be sure they are aligned. If they are not aligned then you should not be doing them. Create new goals that align with your values.
Make a list of the most important traits that you see in other people. Select the ones you would like to have yourself. Work to make these part of your everyday behaviors.
By now you should be living your values, goals and personality traits. You should also be feeling better about yourself. You are ready for the next step.
Work on your self awareness by writing in a guided journal. You can get The Discovery Journal at lulu.com. It is designed to increase your self-awareness through responding to sentence starters that have you look at yourself, your assumptions and your beliefs.
Be authentic. Work to be true to yourself. Make decisions that you think are right and stick to them. Live in integrity.
Summon your higher self. You have identified it through all of the exercises you just went through. Your higher self is all of the good things you represent. Let yourself be guided by the Universe to do what is right and good. You should now be feeling centered and serene.
Peace be with you!
you are looking for.
First, inner peace can not be found outside of you. It can not be purchased in a store, it can not be provided by love or sex, it does not flow from accumulated wealth, it can only be found within you. It can be found but it will take some work. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate your inner peace.
Identify your values. Select the top ten and prioritize them. Figure out how much time you spend on each one. Are some of them lop-sided? Try to adjust your schedule so you are spending more time on your most important values.
List your goals for the next six months. Check them against your values to be sure they are aligned. If they are not aligned then you should not be doing them. Create new goals that align with your values.
Make a list of the most important traits that you see in other people. Select the ones you would like to have yourself. Work to make these part of your everyday behaviors.
By now you should be living your values, goals and personality traits. You should also be feeling better about yourself. You are ready for the next step.
Work on your self awareness by writing in a guided journal. You can get The Discovery Journal at lulu.com. It is designed to increase your self-awareness through responding to sentence starters that have you look at yourself, your assumptions and your beliefs.
Be authentic. Work to be true to yourself. Make decisions that you think are right and stick to them. Live in integrity.
Summon your higher self. You have identified it through all of the exercises you just went through. Your higher self is all of the good things you represent. Let yourself be guided by the Universe to do what is right and good. You should now be feeling centered and serene.
Peace be with you!


Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of motion and energy and there mutual relation ship.Physics provide us information about the environment around us.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Human Urinary System (Structure and Function of human Kidney)

The human urinary system consists of a pair of kidneys with attached ureters.The ureters form both sides open into the bladder which opens into the urethra.Each kidney is a bean shaped organ enclosed in a fatty membrane.They are found attacked to the dorsal body wall with in the abdominal cavity, one on each side of vertebral column, just above the waist-line.The right kidney lies slightly anterior to the left.The concave side of the kidney faces the vertebral column.The depression in the center of this surface is called HILUS.it provides a place for the renal artery, renal vein and nerves to enter and leave the kidney.
       The longitudinal section of a human kidney shows that it mainly consists of two regions. the outer dark region is called cortex.The inner pale-red region is called medulla.The medulla consists of several cone shaped areas called PYRAMIDS.
      The pyramids project into a funnel-like space present in center of concave surface of kidney called renal pelvis.
A tube,called ureter ,originates from the renal pelvis.The ureters from the both kidneys open in a bladder,called as urinary bladder.
the urinary bladder opens to outside through a duck known as urethra.
Function of Kidney:-

      The main function of the kidney is the urine formation.   

Human Heart (Structure and Action)

The human heart like other vertebrates is a muscular,contractile structure.The cardiac muscles of the heart are capable of strong contraction which brings about the circulation of blood through out the body.
   The mammalian heart is two way pumps in one.The mammalian heart has four chambers two atria and two ventricle.The right atria pumps the blood in to the right ventricle which in turn pumps blood into the pulmonary arteries.from lungs the oxygenated blood is carried to left atrium through pulmonary vein.From left ventricle which in turn pumps blood into the aorta the systemic circulation.Thus there are two pumps working simultaneously in the single pumping organ the heart.   


The random movement of molecules or ions from the region of higher concentration to lower concentration is called diffusion.
 Diffusion is the process in plants for the transport of material in there body.

Importance of Water to life

Water is an extra-ordinary compound.It is the only substance that occurs in the nature in three phases i.e. solid liquid and vapor,within the normal rage og earth temperature.
Water is of extreme importance to living organisms.Its play an important role in sustenance of life s:
   1)-It is an important active constituent of the living matter, the protoplasm.
   2)-It serves as metabolite in many metabolic process.
   3)-It is a universal solvent and medium of transport.

Heart Attack

The heart being a metabolically active organ constantly needs adequate energy and a good continuous supply of blood to carry out its activities.Heart attack can occur due to a number of factors related with the blood circulation and interruption in oxygen supply to heart muscles.
   If an area of the heart musculature receives insufficient supply of blood,the oxygen supply to this area becomes deficient. Due to deficient supply of oxygen of oxygen, the cardiac muscles, which are extremely sensitive, will die and this will result in a heart attack.Heart attack may also be caused by a narrowing or clot in coronary blood vessels.
   ANGINA PECTORIS as a mild type of heart attack. It is also caused due to insufficient supply of blood to the cardiac muscles due to the narrowing of the coronary blood vessels.The symptoms of angina pectoris are the same as those of the heart attack i.e. chest pain and shooting pain in the left arm and shoulder. 

Blood Pressure

blood pressure is the pressure per unit area,which the following blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels.In human beings,the blood pressure is measured at the artery of upper arm.The measurement of blood pressure indicates the higher or systolic blood pressure and lower or diastolic pressure.In normal young adults the systolic blood pressure is 120mm Hg and the diastole pressure is 80 mm Hg.Thus the normal blood pressure is expressed as 120/80 mm Hg.


Influenza is an illness affecting upper respiratory tract symptoms of the disease are fever,headache,pain in the limbs watering of eyes and running of nose and it is associated with sore throat.
Causative Agent:-
        Different strains of viruses are responsible for causing the disease.
The disease is spread by droplet infection (cough,sneezing,and breath).
Treatment and Control:-
     There is no particular treatment of the disease.The patient develops immunity and recovers.Rest is only immediate treatment. Disease  can be controlled by keeping patient away from the people.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

      AIDS is a disease in which the body's immune system,the system which protects our body againts infections,is destroyed. The body became unable to protect itself from many other diseases.
Causative Organism:-
      The causative organism is virus called HIV (human Immune system deficiency Virus).
Signs and Symptoms:-
      The word syndrome is used in AIDS because it is a disease with many symptoms occurring at the same time.The patient may suffer from chronic fever,severe diarrhea lasting for mouths, pneumonia etc.and even cancer.
AIDS is usually transmitted by
     1)-Sexual relationship with an infected person.
     2)-Blood transfusion from infected person.
     3)-By sharing contaminated injection needles . for example when drug addicts share there used syringes.
     4)-By using contaminated razors,surgical and dental instruments etc.
     5)-Virus may pass from the infected mother to the foetus during pregnancy.


Poliomyelitis is most common among the children but young and old people also can be becomes its victims.
   It begins slowly.The suffering has very high fever,headache,nausea,fits and stiffness of limbs.in severe cases,the virus attack nerve fibers of the spinal cord causing paralysis of the limbs and muscles of the respiratory tract,sometime proving fatal,apart from permanent disabilities.
Treatment and control:-
     There are two polio vaccines.
              1)-Sabin vaccine.
              2)-Salk vaccine.
Sabine vaccine is more common and given orally in the form of drops.Two or three drops are given to infants during there first year which provides life long protection against polio by developing active immunity against it.
Salk vaccine is injected in the body.
Causative Organism:-
         poliomyelitis is caused by virus, which is transmitted by infected water.it is also transmitted by droplet infection during coughing and sneezing,of the patient.  

Measles Infection (Treatment and Control)

Measles is a very infections and worldwide disease of children.The disease starts with fever,spreads cold,cough and a watery discharge from eyes.On the third day rashes appear first on the face and then spread over the hole body.
Causative organism:-
        The causative organism is a virus,which is air born and inhaled in droplets.The disease spreads through the discharge from eye and nose,which becomes air-born and spreads rapidly.
Treatment and Control:-
        There is no specific treatment.child develops immunity and the signs and symptoms of the disease disappear after seven days.the child should given plenty of drink especially milk.
        It is difficult to control the disease because it is highly infections as the patient becomes infections about 2 days before the symptom of disease develop.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

How To Control Cholera

     cholera is mainly found in Asia and commonly spreads in humid conditions. disease begins with fever,diarrhoea and vomiting,accompanied by severe abdominal pain.severe attacks result in dehydration and death of the patient.
Causative organism:-
    cholera is caused by a comma-shaped bacterium called VIBRO CHOLERA with flagellum which enables it to swim in water.Vibro cholera is one-caplulated and cannot withstand dry condition.It is water born.
Control over the Disease:-
     1)-By the use of boiled water.
     2)-By keeping the food covered to avoid its contamination.
     3)-By injecting cholera vaccine which gives an active artificial immunity for six month.
     4)-By keeping infected person in isolated places at the bacteria are transmitted by flies as well as by water.
     5)-Good sanitation is required to prevent the contamination of water.  


  TB is the worldwide but it is most common in tropical areas.TB takes a long time to develop but depends mainly upon the health and state of people.Most common TB is of lungs,apart from TB of intestine,bones etc.
Causative Organisms:-
       A bacillus (bacterium) MYCOBACTERIUM   is a cause of Tuberculosis.There are several species of MYCOBACTERIUM causing different types of TB.The disease is spread by droplet infection and UN-boiled milk.
Treatment and Control:-
    1)-Vaccination of BCG to the children to encourage the development of antibodies.
    2)-Re-vaccination after to five year.
    3)-Use of thoroughly boiled milk.
    4)-By keeping the patients in separate rooms in the house.


        Anaemia can be defined as the deficiency of red blood cells in the body.It normally occurs due to rapid loss of blood from the body or below normal production of red blood cells.
Symptoms of Anaemia:-
       1). Weakness.
       2). Dizziness.
       3).Appearance of dark black circles around the eyes.
       4).Thinning of blood.
       5).loss of appetite.
       6).Yellowing of palate.
Cause of Anaemia:-
       1).iron is the main component of hemoglobin of red blood cells and an appropriate amount of iron should be available for synthesis of hemoglobin.The deficiency of iron would lead to the Anaemia.
       2).Nutritional Deficiency.Vitamin B 12 and folic acid. 


haemophilia  is a hereditary disease in which the patient lacks some blood clotting factors.This disease is characterized by failure of blood of coagulate.if the persons suffering from this disease have an injury from which blood flows, the blood will not coagulate or clot or will coagulate insufficiently to stop the flow of blood. This may result in excessive loss of blood which in extreme cases, may prove to be fatal.In a normal human being if an injury occurs which bleed,the blood will soon coagulate and will form a clot at the point of rupture of the blood vessels blocking the blood flow.